
发布时间:2024-05-08 02:00:32


  1. 范布隆克霍斯特的介绍大神们帮帮忙
  2. 能否介绍一下英语简史?
  3. 欧洲杯下一轮是什么时候?
  4. 用各种不同的语言说"我爱你" 不给力不加分


简介 国籍:荷兰 项目:足球 生日:1975年2月5日 性别:男 身高:178cm 体重:67kg 位置:后卫 球衣号码:12号 效力俱乐部:费耶诺德 曾效力俱乐部:费耶诺德、阿森纳、巴塞罗那 首次代表国家队参赛:1996年8月31日 荷兰vs巴西 编辑本段|回到顶部 个人经历 范布隆克霍斯特1975年2月5日出生于荷兰的鹿特丹,在成为一名职业球员之后,他顺理成章地加盟了家乡球队费耶诺德。在2001年以800万英镑的转会费将他抢到海布里, 2003冬季免费租借到巴塞罗那尽管荷兰人范布隆霍斯特在阿森纳有过一段不“愉快”的经历,但这丝毫没有影响他在国家队中的位置。03-04赛季初,范布隆霍斯特从阿森纳转租至巴塞罗那,并成功打上主力。这个前格拉斯哥流浪者队的队员可以在中场打多个位置,但近来一段时间巴萨主帅里杰卡尔德更倾向于将他安排在后场活动。对于荷兰队来说,范布隆霍斯特出现在后场未尝不是一个可行的方案。2007年范布隆克霍斯特正式重返荷兰,加盟该国班霸飞燕诺。 鬼使神差半路出家 在范布隆克霍斯特20岁出头的时候,他便在荷兰三大豪门之一的费耶诺德成名了。之后在格拉斯哥流浪者,荷兰人大放异彩,不过那时的范布隆克霍斯特司职前卫,是一名出色的组织者。2001年荷兰人以800万英镑的身价转会阿森纳,但表现平平。2003年来到巴塞罗那后,老将努曼的因伤退役让范布隆克霍斯特被迫改打左边卫,但他却在新位置上意外地找到了感觉。 追求简单的人 在巴塞罗那,荷兰人选择了自己名字的前3个字母“gio”放在球衣后面作为自己的代号,这一方面是为了清除在阿森纳不甚愉快的回忆,另一方面也表明了他的性格。这个追求简单的边后卫在场上也时常会闯入对方禁区,快刀斩乱麻般地给对方致命一击。本届世界杯预选赛,范布隆克霍斯特在12场比赛中9场首发,在德国世界杯上,范布隆克霍斯特将是巴斯滕的首选。 编辑本段|回到顶部 亚洲血统 范布隆克霍斯特的名字叫“吉奥瓦尼”,这会被有些人误认为是意大利人。但实际上,他是一名有着印尼血统的荷兰人,母亲是印尼摩鹿加群岛人。。 编辑本段|回到顶部 数值评估 选位:7 所有人极强的位置感铸就了巴塞罗那的整体性,范布隆克霍斯特也不例外。 抢断:7 身高不突出,但拼抢出色,这也是巴塞罗那失球极少的重要原因。 头球:6 身材一般的范布隆克霍斯特头球能力一般,但他更多的是在用意识在踢球。 速度:8 速度非常出色,尤其是结合球的速度,这也是荷兰球员和巴萨球员的一大特点。 意志:7 意志力向来是荷兰球员的通病,但在巴塞罗那接受的冠军气质使得范布隆克霍斯特本人在这方面有了很好的提升。 编辑本段|回到顶部 辉煌战绩 尽管荷兰人范布隆霍斯特在阿森纳有过一段不“愉快”的经历,但这丝毫没有影响他在国家队中的位置。03-04赛季初,范布隆霍斯特从阿森纳转租至巴塞罗那,并成功打上主力。 这个前格拉斯哥流浪者队的队员可以在中场打多个位置,但近来一段时间巴萨主帅里杰卡尔德更倾向于将他安排在后场活动。他在巴萨的成功也让范巴斯滕受到启发,回到国家队后,范布隆霍斯特凭借丰富的经验和良好的状态逐渐打上了主力。 职业生涯统计表 赛季 俱乐部 出场 进球 1992/93 费耶诺德 0 0 1993/94 瓦尔维克 12 2 1994/95 费耶诺德 10 1 1995/96 费耶诺德 27 9 1996/97 费耶诺德 34 4 1997/98 费耶诺德 32 8 1998/99 格拉斯哥流浪者 35 7 1999/00 格拉斯哥流浪者 27 4 2000/01 格拉斯哥流浪者 11 2 2001/02 阿森纳 21 1 2002/03 阿森纳 20 1 2003/04 巴塞罗那 34 1 2004/05 巴塞罗那 29 4 国家队出场纪录 比赛日期 对阵情况 出场时间 进球 2003-08-20 比利时 1-1 荷兰 46 - 2003-10-11 荷兰 5-0 摩尔多瓦 90 - 2003-11-15 苏格兰 1-0 荷兰 46 - 2004-04-28 荷兰 4-0 希腊 90 - 2004-05-29 荷兰 0-1 比利时 61 - 2004-06-01 荷兰 3-0 法罗群岛 46 - 2004-06-05 荷兰 0-1 爱尔兰 90 - 2004-06-15 德国 1-1 荷兰 90 - 2004-06-19 捷克 3-2 荷兰 90 - 2004-06-23 荷兰 3-0 拉脱维亚 90 - 2004-06-26 荷兰 0-0 瑞典 90 - 2004-06-30 葡萄牙 2-1 荷兰 90 - 2004-08-18 瑞典 2-2 荷兰 90 - 2004-09-08 荷兰 2-0 捷克 20 * - 2004-10-13 荷兰 3-1 芬兰 33 * - 2004-11-17 安道尔 0-3 荷兰 90 - 2005-02-09 英格兰 0-0 荷兰 90 - 2005-03-26 罗马尼亚 0-2 荷兰 90 - 2005-03-30 荷兰 2-0 亚美尼亚 90 - 2005-06-04 荷兰 2-0 罗马尼亚 90 - 2005-06-08 芬兰 0-4 荷兰 90 - 2005-09-03 亚美尼亚 0-1 荷兰 90 - 2005-10-08 捷克 0-2 荷兰 90 - 2005-10-12 荷兰 0-0 马其顿 90 - 2005-11-12 荷兰 1-3 意大利 90 - 总计25场 1962 0 注: 出场时间单位为分钟,* 表示替补出场



old english, until 1066

immigrants from denmark and nw germany arrived in britain in the 5th and 6th centuries a.d., speaking in related dialects belonging to the germanic and teutonic branches of the indo-european language family. today, english is most closely related to flemish, dutch, and german, and is somewhat related to icelandic, norwegian, danish, and swedish. icelandic, unchanged for 1,000 years, is very close to old english. viking invasions, begun in the 8th century, gave english a norwegian and danish influence which lasted until the norman conquest of 1066.

old english words

the angles came from an angle-shaped land area in contemporary germany. their name "angli" from the latin and commonly-spoken, pre-5th century german mutated into the old english "engle". later, "engle" changed to "angel-cyn" meaning "angle-race" by a.d. 1000, changing to "engla-land". some old english words which have survived intact include: feet, geese, teeth, men, women, lice, and mice. the modern word "like" can be a noun, adjective, verb, and preposition. in old english, though, the word was different for each type: gelica as a noun, geic as an adjective, lician as a verb, and gelice as a preposition.

middle english, from 1066 until the 15th century

the norman invasion and conquest of britain in 1066 and the resulting french court of william the conqueror gave the norwegian-dutch influenced english a norman-parisian-french effect. from 1066 until about 1400, latin, french, and english were spoken. english almost disappeared entirely into obscurity during this period by the french and latin dominated court and government. however, in 1362, the parliament opened with english as the language of choice, and the language was saved from extinction. present-day english is approximately 50% germanic (english and scandinavian) and 50% romance (french and latin).

middle english words

many new words added to middle english during this period came from norman french, parisian french, and scandinavian. norman french words imported into middle english include: catch, wage, warden, reward, and warrant. parisian french gave middle english: chase, guarantee, regard, guardian, and gage. scandinavian gave to middle english the important word of law. english nobility had titles which were derived from both middle english and french. french provided: prince, duke, peer, marquis, viscount, and baron. middle english independently developed king, queen, lord, lady, and earl. governmental administrative divisions from french include county, city, village, justice, palace, mansion, and residence. middle english words include town, home, house, and hall.

early modern english, from the 15th century to the 17th century

during this period, english became more organized and began to resemble the modern version of english. although the word order and sentence construction was still slightly different, early modern english was at least recognizable to the early modern english speaker. for example, the old english "to us pleases sailing" became "we like sailing." classical elements, from greek and latin, profoundly influenced work creation and origin. from greek, early modern english received grammar, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music. also, the "tele-" prefix meaning "far" later used to develop telephone and television was taken.

modern english, from the 17th century to modern times

modern english developed through the efforts of literary and political writings, where literacy was uniformly found. modern english was heavily influenced by classical usage, the emergence of the university-educated class, shakespeare, the common language found in the east midlands section of present-day england, and an organized effort to document and standardize english. current inflections have remained almost unchanged for 400 years, but sounds of vowels and consonants have changed greatly. as a result, spelling has also changed considerably. for example, from early english to modern english, lyf became life, deel became deal, hoom became home, mone became moon, and hous became house.

advantages and disadvantages of modern english

modern english is composed of several languages, with grammar rules, spelling, and word usage both complimenting and competing for clarity. the disadvantages of modern english include: an alphabet which is unable to adequately represent all needed sounds without using repeated or combined letters, a limit of 23 letters of the 26 in the alphabet which can effectively express twice the number of sounds actually needed, and a system of spelling which is not based upon pronunciation but foreign language word origin and countless changes throughout history. the advantages of modern english include: single consonants which are clearly understood and usually represent the same sounds in the same positions, the lack of accent marks found in other languages which permits quicker writing, and the present spelling displays european language origins and connections which allows european language speakers to become immediately aware of thousands of words.

modern english words

british english, known as standard english or oxford english, underwent changes as the colonization of north american and the creation of the united states occurred. british english words changed into american english words, such as centre to center, metre to meter, theatre to theater, favour to favor, honour to honor, labour to labor, neighbour to neighbor, cheque to check, connexion to connection, gaol to jail, the storey of a house to story, and tyre for tire. since 1900, words with consistent spelling but different meanings from british english to american english include: to let for to rent, dual carriageway for divided highway, lift for elevator, amber for yellow, to ring for to telephone, zebra crossing for pedestrian crossing, and pavement for sidewalk.

american english, from the 18th century until modern times

until the 18th century, british and american english were remarkably similar with almost no variance. immigration to america by other english peoples changed the language by 1700. noah webster, author of the first authoritative american english dictionary, created many changes. the "-re" endings became "-er" and the "-our" endings became "-or". spelling by pronunciation and personal choice from webster were influences.

cough, sought, thorough, thought, and through

why do these "ough" words have the same central spelling but are so different? this is a characteristic of english, which imported similarly spelled or defined words from different languages over the past 1,000 years.


from the middle high german kuchen meaning to breathe heavily, to the french-old english cohhian, to the middle english coughen is derived the current word cough.


from the greek hegeisthai meaning to lead, to the latin sagire meaning to perceive keenly, to the old high german suohhen meaning to seek, to the french-old english secan, to the middle english sekken, is derived the past tense sought of the present tense of the verb to seek.


from the french-old english thurh and thuruh to the middle english thorow is derived the current word thorough.


from the old english thencan, which is related to the french-old english word hoht, which remained the same in middle english, is derived the current word thought.


from the sanskrit word tarati, meaning he crossed over, came the latin word, trans meaning across or beyond. beginning with old high german durh, to the french-old english thurh, to the middle english thurh, thruh, or through, is derived the current word through


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用各种不同的语言说"我爱你" 不给力不加分


英语:i love you !

法语:je t'aime / je t'adore !

德语:ich liebe dich!

俄语:ya vas iyublyu,ya tibia lyublyu !


朝鲜语:tangshin-i cho-a-yo!

意大利语:ti amo,ti vogliobene !

西班牙语:te amo,tequiero !

葡萄牙语:eu amo-te !

荷兰语:ik hou van jou !

比利时佛兰芒语:ik zie u graag !

波兰语:kocham cie,ja cie kocham !

希腊语:s'agapo !

匈牙利语:szeretlek !

爱沙尼亚:mina armastan sind !

芬兰语:min rakastan sinua !

拉丁语:te amo,vos amo !

拉托维亚语:es tevi milu !

立陶宛语:tave myliu !

马其顿语:te sakam !

马耳他语:inhobbok !

亚美尼亚语:yes kezi seeroom yem !

保加利亚语:ahs te obicham !

克罗地亚语:volim te !

罗马尼亚语:te iu besc,te ador !

捷克语:miluji te !

丹麦语:jeg elsker dig !

冰岛语:e'g elska tig !

阿尔巴尼亚语:t dua shume !

塞尔维亚语:volim te !

斯洛文尼亚语:ljubim te !

以色列犹太语:ani ohev otach!

瑞典语:jag lskar dig!

土耳其语:seni seviyorum !

乌克兰语:javaju !

孟加拉语:ami tomay bhalobashi !

缅甸语:chit pa de !

柬埔寨语:bong salang oun !

菲律宾语:mahal kita,iniibig kita !

北印度语:main tumse pyar karta hoon !

印尼语:saja kasih saudari !

马来语:saya cinta mu !

蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai !

波斯语:tora dost daram !

阿拉伯语:ana ahebak(女生至男生) / arabic ana ahebek(男生至女生)

南亚泰米尔语:tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren !

泰语:ch'an rak khun !

巴基斯坦乌尔都语:mein tumhay pyar karti hun(女生至男生) / mein tumhay pyar karta hun(男生至女生)

越南语:em ye'u anh(女生至男生) / anh ye'u em(男生至女生)




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